« Absurd » ! It is the President of Salvador, Nayib Bukele, who made the decision in 2017 to give up the extraction of metals for the protection of the environment. If you sweeten a croissant, you can reset the extraction of your ears, because you will be criticized.

Salvador pays the Prime Minister in 2017 in the world of licenses or concessions for metal mines or cellars, regardless of the use of toxic products such as cyanure or mercury.

At the end of November on son compte X, son unique communication channel, M. Bukele confirmed « During this period, the studies represent 4% of the potential zone on an identification permit of 50 million dollars, which is valued at 131.565 million dollars. Enjoy 380% of the PIB »in progress, an old etude of the authors inconnus which is a jamais that is published.

« If there is no exploitation of the natural resources of the man responsible, new economic changes may also occur in Salvador in the field of credit »with an estimate of time plus delay.

The President of Parliament in 2019 is an ultra-majority party, which wants to impose the law on the offers of the profitable party « the plus of density in the world » the gisements d’or.

« Risk »

M. Bukele’s volunteer has appointed the investigation into environmental protection and the mardi of 300 people as a representative of Parliament. A letter is a draw for pathetic deputies « reactive industry » serait “an irresponsible decision”.

« You have chosen a mine in the desert area of ​​Atacama (in Chile) and a mine in the north of Chalatenango (north of Salvador), or the population density is high one of our existing forest reserves »judge of the AFP Pedro Cabezas, director of the Alliance Center against Mines.

Antonio Pacheco, director of the ONG ADES, estimates that exploitation in the Lempa River basin is small, which fuels capital in the water, “taking a huge risk” etc « The impact of a report on the entire territory ».

The various ONG who have military forces and win the 2017 anti-mines law « water damage and pollution »autocontrairement aux pays andins (Chile, Pérou, Bolivia, Argentina), l’Amérique central n’a aucune traditional minière.

The exploitation of the city is illegal in Honduras, in Costa Rica (with the government initiating a possible return), and Panama has declared a moratorium on new extraction permits after the paralysis of the country and grande mine de cuivre à ciel ouvert d ‘Amérique central.

« Emplois »

After the attack on gangs that commit terrorist acts against coups and mass arrests, Nayib Bukele makes his celluis of the possession of power: plus a quarter of Salvadorians live in peace, and the prices the 70% of the staff are within the informal sector.

Bukele’s projects are distributed on the Saint-Sébastien colline, in the old zone of Santa Rosa de Lima (northeast).

« Cela creera des emplois » etc « bénéficiera à tous »estimated at the height of the AFP Rubén Delgado, maçon of 55 years.

José Torres, a 72-year-old independent detective who was the main source of income, said so « the rivers are polluted, the animals are more, and there are no other rivers ».

Criticism de minimis industry, prêtre jesuite Rodolfo Cardenal, est « Eating exorbitant fantasies and an insatiable cupidity » and interrogate the questions that M. Bukele defends: « Are you paying a multinational or are you paying a multinational? »

« Defis »

L’économiste Carlos Acevedo, former president of the Banquecentrale du Salvador, stated that the chiffres « spectacular things » President Bukele’s progress suggested that Salvador might act « is help with a mine d’or ». Once you pay the $50 million, it’s worth paying $31 billion, so 85% of the PIB.

The soul whose head is défi is arrival “extraire cet or de manière social and ecologiquement responsible”mais previent que malgré all over the world “There is no silver bullet yet for getting a croissant on your loan”.

Selon lui, the defi of M. Bukele, was a parvenir « negocier différemt » with the global giants of mini extraction, the renewed traders with the Etats or the apples with small offers.

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